Thursday, 23 June 2011

OTGL Layout Update

Fiddle Yard.... Now facia-ed, straighten-ed, putty-ed, match-ed, prep-ed now ready to primer-ed!

Many More Wagons of OTGL


With no less that 80+ ongoing wagons on my workbench in various states, Ive been chipping away to get many in "pre paint" condition!

Anyways heres a few i popped out in the last few weeks!

RailCorp NDCF Spoil Wagon ex Callipari NSWGR GP/NOGF x2

One will be Orange and one Yellow, note still needs lashing rings!

Pacific National NHHF Coal Hopper x10 (10 more to do)

Ex Coal,Grain,Coal,Grain now Coal Again!!!

Still needs more brake detail at either end to complete

Pacific National RZCY Bogie Transporter ex NSWSRA NOCY

Will be "Faded" Seatrain Blue with 2CM Bogies as load.

Pacific National RQCY ex VR VQCY

Will have yellow sides like the modern refurbs!

Hopefully start to paint soon!!!